What Effects Can I Expect From Kambo?

Kambo is a substance created from the venomous secretions of Amazonian frogs, so why would anyone want to take it?

What Is Kambo?

Kambo is a substance traditionally used by certain tribes in the Amazon region for both therapeutic and spiritual reasons. 

Kambo is made from the secretions of an Amazonian tree frog (Phyllomedusa). Kambo is gathered by these frogs being captured and stressed to cause the secretion which is then collected and dried. 

Kambo is then consumed by mixing the dried substance with water and then applying it to the skin after creating a burn wound. The Matsés people from the Peruvian region of the Amazon reported using this substance to enhance their sight, smell, and foresight to become better hunters. 

Kambo is also used by some recreationally due to its cognitive effects. 

Effects Of Kambo - The Purge 

Kambo is not for the faint of heart and before the desired cognitive effects are felt, a strong ‘purging’ reaction is typically first experienced within minutes of application. 

This purging, or cleansing stage as it is sometimes referred to, often starts with violent bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. Other symptoms can include involuntary urinations, swollen face and lips, high heart rate, blurred vision, a burning sensation, excessive sweating, and stomach pain. 

This uncomfortable and painful stage is said to last for around an hour.

So what causes this intense reaction?

These purging symptoms are thought to largely be thanks to the peptides present in kambo which are thought to induce effects such as vomiting, increased heart rate, and flushing. 

Effects Of Kambo - Improved Cognitive Functioning 

After the relatively brief purging period, the desired kambo experience begins. 

Those who have taken kambo typically then report significant improvements to cognitive function with improved alertness and senses as well as a perception of increased strength. Some also report improved mood, energy levels, and decreased stress. 

Kambo has also been investigated for its ability to reduce pain levels, with one clinical trial demonstrating that kambo treatment acted as a significant pain reliever for postoperative pain and was even reported to show superior results to morphine.

One of the ways that kambo might exert its analgesic effects is through one of its active peptides, dermorphin. Dermorphin activates opioid receptors and was shown in one study to provide significant pain relief to rats at rates significantly higher than morphine. 65% of rats treated with dermorphin experienced reduced pain levels. There were also less severe withdrawal symptoms in rats treated with dermorphin compared to rats treated with dermorphin after treatment was stopped. 

The improved cognitive functioning seen after kambo application may occur thanks to the peptides sauvagine. Sauvagine has been shown to act in a similar way to corticotropin-releasing factor, which plays a key role in anxiety and depression. 

Side Effects 

Aside from the known initial purging effects of kambo, the frog secretion may also lead to psychosis and there have been deaths linked to kambo use that may be due to its effects on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, or a potentially toxic effect on the kidneys and liver. 

Pre-existing conditions including epilepsy, blood pressure issues, cardiovascular issues, and pregnancy are all thought to be dangerous alongside kambo use.

Plant Medicine.orgKambo